Why Us

8+ years helping our partners to scale the core areas of their companies.

We provide services with from Colombia.
ana shark talent

Find Outstanding Colombian Talent

Find exceptional Colombian talent for your team from our diverse pool of professionals to meet your unique needs.

Flat monthly Rate

Our monthly rate includes recruitment, salary, benefits, onboarding, equipment, employee management, local support, welfare plans, and EOR fees, enhancing efficiency and cost savings.

Your Dedicated Virtual Expert Team

With your own in-house virtual experts team, you can quickly adjust your team size based on company needs.

* We offer part-time and full-time positions allowing you to grow your team gradually.
** We can help you train and develop your own team’s capabilities.

What makes our talent so special?

At Shark Helpers, we believe in going beyond simply sourcing the right professionals for your team. We prioritize their welfare and professional growth, fostering long-term relationships with motivated employees.
We give you a legal ground to hire professionals in Colombia; giving all the benefits and stability that your team deserves.
English Tested

All our talent have been tested to meet the standard for business communication in English. In addition, we have constant training to help them improving their skills.

We nurture talent for digital companies

We help bilingual professionals to complete their profiles with soft, digital, customer support, and e-commerce skills, increasing the availability of talented professionals to support your company.

Sharkhelpers Academy

We run our own virtual Academy where candidates and hires find curated content and learning routes to improve their skills in different areas.

Happy and well compensated

Our talent have a competitive salary, free training, and a career development plan to reduce turnover rates. We want to build long-term relationships.

* Please contact us and let us know what are you looking for. We can find the right virtual assistant or remote expert for your needs.

What is great about hiring people in Colombia

Cost efficiency

With a lower cost of living, Colombia offers cost-effective hiring of highly skilled professionals like engineers and designers. This allows companies to scale their teams economically.

Time zone alignment

Colombia, in the Central Time Zone, is only two hours ahead of the US East Coast. This makes coordinating work and scheduling virtual meetings easier, allowing team members to collaborate without notable lags or odd hours.

Vast talent pool

With 1.3 million bilingual (Spanish-English) individuals, Colombia boasts a vast talent pool. Numerous professionals graduate annually in fields like software engineering, IT, and design, providing companies a wide selection of skilled and motivated candidates.

High levels of education

Colombia's education system produces skilled graduates in fields like engineering and business, often with international experience, making them valuable for remote teams.

Tech-savvy and digital-first

Colombia's rapidly growing tech sector cultivates generations with strong digital skills, adept at remote work and using collaboration tools.

Strong work ethic

Colombian culture values responsibility, hard work, and positivity. Remote Colombian employees aim to exceed expectations, meet deadlines, and prioritize quality work and team goals.

Loyal and committed

Colombian employees are typically loyal and dedicated, aiming for long-term careers rather than job-hopping. This leads to lower turnover rates, ensuring remote employees hired today will likely remain for years.

Cultural compatibility

Colombia's rich cultural heritage fosters a tight-knit community with strong social awareness. Thus, Colombian workers excel in communication and collaboration, crucial for remote work, and their amiable nature makes them easy to work with.

We are
sponsored by

Several governmental organizations and Colombian companies believe in the impact we can make by creating new jobs and nurturing digital talent for global services.

We are your partner for scaling your business in a sustainable way

Imagine having a team of dedicated in-house remote experts working tirelessly to address your company’s unique needs. That’s right, we’re here to supercharge your business and take it to new heights!